Updates to the Counseling Section

  •  For districts that wish to be in full compliance of implementing a comprehensive counseling program across the district, TxSP has a section that can help and guide a district to develop a strategic plan.
  • Based on some new research, we have updated our Dating Violence presentation for high school students including facilitator notes. The photos have been updated and are more reflective of diverse populations.
  • This will add to our previous mandated high school student presentation on Suicide Prevention .
  •  In the new HB18 requirement for the comprehensive school counseling program to be implemented in the 2020-21 school year, there is a component for a counseling advisory committee. TxSP has provided Advisory presentations and agendas for 3 meetings of the first year. Included is a folder to help prepare for the meetings. Also being developed are some optional activities for students that will allow counselors to gather data using group participation to further grow the work in this area.
  • A District counseling program evaluation using high performing indicators is also available for Districts to evaluate their level of performance and sample evidence to determine growth objectives.
  • TxSP has also updated the following sections: The role of the counselor in MTSS; a resource for the elementary, middle school, and high school counselors in College & Career Counseling produced by the College Board. Included is the overall information on the components of college and career counseling.

Updates in Campus Operations -
for campus principals and assistant principals

  • TxSP has developed a section for campus administrators in leading Individual Graduation Committee meetings. Included are protocols for IGC and EOC requirements and failures; the documentation for the meeting and the notification; and a graduation eligibility flowchart.
  • A new protocol for religions in schools has been added to help campus administrators understand student rights on protected prayer and religious expression. This protocol not only covers how the 1st amendment relates to employee and student rights; but also to student assemblies and non-curricular events, prayers at graduation and other ceremonies, religious literature and teaching about religion, winter holidays, religious student-led groups, etc.
  • TxSP has included a filing cabinet addressing retention of students in two areas: students with academic and social gaps and those with attendance below the 90% rule.
  • In the Students Rights section, TxSP has added a protocol for freedom of speech and protests to be added to our resources on LGBTQ and all youth rights.

More Updates Coming Soon!

Texas School Procedures

Annual Subscription
$ 2
Per student based on the previous years PEIMS snapshot enrollment
  • Campus Operation Section for Campus Administrators
  • Counseling Section to ensure your district is ready to implement a comprehensive school counseling program
  • District Operation Section to District administrators implement updated state and federal guidelines in daily operations across the district.
  • Nursing Section that provides all the documents, protocols, and trainings required for public school clinics.
  • Personnel Section that guides HR staff in requirements in various areas.
  • Student Support Section that supports the district in 504s, MTSS, homeless, PRS, Special Education, Behavior, Instructional, etc.
  • Training Section that provides presentations in legal updates, required prevention training, staff and counselor presentations, etc. that districts can provide to their campuses at their own pace.